JUDICIARY Latest Features

Small Claims Procedure Launched at Makindye Chief Magistrates Court
Makindye Chief Magistrates’\r\nCourt launched the Small Claims Procedure Program for individuals to recover\r\nmoney not exceeding UGX 10M during the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) open day at the court on\r\nFriday May 2, 2014. The open day was part of the public relations campaign\r\nduring which JLOS institutions interact with the public and showcase their\r\nservices.
Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire of the Court of\r\nAppeal, presided over the function,  advised the public to always insist on paying\r\nmoney demanded by people they suspected to be fraudsters to court cashiers. 

He\r\nasked the public to bring "undisciplined” judicial officers to the attention of\r\nthe relevant institutions such as the judicial service commission, judicial\r\nintegrity committee and judiciary disciplinary committee so that disciplinary\r\naction can be taken against them. 

Posted 5th, May 2014
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